A New Era of Possibilities

Quantum computing is radically changing the world. From drug discovery to cryptography, quantum computing is already solving problems that classical computers cannot.

Quantum Vibe


Choose and Use the Best AI Framework and Platform for Your Business

Launch your Quantum Computing integrations quickly and easily

Step 1: Review deployment options

Compare and evaluate different quantum computing platforms and providers based on their features, performance, compatibility, and cost. You can use various criteria and metrics such as qubit number, gate fidelity, connectivity, error correction, programming language, and hardware architecture.

Step 2: Identify applications

Identify the quantum applications and use cases that can benefit your business and industry. You can leverage quantum algorithms and techniques for various domains such as banking, healthcare, logistics, manufacturing, energy, and more.

Step 3: Implement solutions

Develop and deploy your quantum solutions using the tools and frameworks provided by your chosen platform and provider. You can use different quantum programming languages, simulators, optimizers, and hybrid models to implement and execute your quantum logic.


Three orbs


Transform possibilities with quantum-powered expertise

Discover. Create. Lead. Leverage our innovation and expertise with quantum computing to make your business more productive—and more advanced.


Enhancing performance and efficiency of vehicles and systems with quantum optimization techniques and algorithms.


Securing transactions and data with quantum cryptography methods and protocols that ensure privacy and integrity.

Capital Markets

Improving portfolio management and risk analysis with quantum algorithms that can solve complex problems faster and more accurately.

Communications, Media & Technology

Enabling faster and more reliable communication with quantum networks that use entanglement and superposition for information transfer.

Consumer Goods

Designing new materials and products with quantum simulation tools that can model physical and chemical properties at the atomic level.


Preparing the future workforce with quantum skills and literacy that are essential for the emerging quantum era.


Discovering new drugs and diagnostics with quantum machine learning methods that can analyze large and complex data sets.

Information Services

Harnessing the power of quantum information and computation that can offer new possibilities and advantages for data processing and storage.


Solving complex problems and reducing costs with quantum optimization methods that can find optimal solutions for various scenarios and constraints.

Life Sciences

Understanding biological systems and phenomena with quantum simulation tools that can mimic the behavior of molecules and cells.


Optimizing production and logistics with quantum algorithms that can improve efficiency and quality of operations and processes.

Natural Resources

Exploring new sources and methods of energy with quantum simulation tools that can help design and test new materials and devices.

Oil & Gas

Enhancing exploration and extraction with quantum sensing and imaging techniques that can provide high-resolution and accurate measurements.


Personalizing customer experience and recommendations with quantum machine learning methods that can learn from customer preferences and behavior.

Software Platforms

Developing and deploying quantum applications and solutions with quantum software engineering tools and frameworks that support various quantum languages and hardware platforms.

Transportation & Logistics

Improving routing and scheduling with quantum optimization methods that can find the best routes and plans for vehicles and deliveries.

Travel & Hospitality

Creating more value and satisfaction with quantum machine learning methods that can offer customized and tailored services and offers.


Managing demand and supply with quantum optimization methods that can balance the load and consumption of energy resources.

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Our blog showcases quantum computing insights, tutorials, projects, tips and news. Discover how quantum computing is revolutionizing science and engineering with its incredible power and potential. Follow us as we dive into the quantum realm and unravel its mysteries and challenges.

Intel announces Tunnel Falls, its first quantum chip, featuring 12 qubits that use electrons to store data, available to select academic and research partners

Intel announces Tunnel Falls, its first quantum chip, featuring 12 qubits that use electrons to store data, available to select academic and research partners

Intel has built a quantum processor called Tunnel Falls that it will offer to research labs hoping to make the revolutionary computing technology practical. The Tunnel Falls processor, announced Thursday, houses 12 of the fundamental data processing elements called qubits. It's a major step in the chipmaker's attempt to develop quantum computing hardware it hopes will eventually surpass rivals. Intel, unlike most of its rivals, makes its qubits from individual electrons housed in computer chips that are cousins to those that power millions of PCs. The company is lagging behind. Rivals like IBM, Google, Quantinuum and IonQ have been offering quantum computers for years, but Intel believes tying its fortunes to conventional chip technology will ultimately enable faster progress.

IBM details using its 127-qubit quantum processor to simulate the behavior of 127 atom-scale bar magnets, known as the Ising model, in less than a millisecond

IBM details using its 127-qubit quantum processor to simulate the behavior of 127 atom-scale bar magnets, known as the Ising model, in less than a millisecond

But with their intrinsic ability to consider many possibilities at once, quantum computers do not have to be very large to tackle certain prickly problems of computation, and on Wednesday, IBM researchers announced that they had devised a method to manage the unreliability in a way that would lead to reliable, useful answers. “What IBM showed here is really an amazingly important step in that direction of making progress towards serious quantum algorithmic design,” said Dorit Aharonov, a professor of computer science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem who was not involved with the research. While researchers at Google in 2019 claimed that they had achieved “quantum supremacy” — a task performed much more quickly on a quantum computer than a conventional one — IBM’s researchers say they have achieved something new and more useful, albeit more modestly named. “We’re entering this phase of quantum computing that I call utility,” said Jay Gambetta, a vice president of IBM Quantum. “The era of utility.”

An illustrated guide to quantum computing, including qubits, algorithms, challenges, government support, and “Q-day”, when a quantum computer cracks encryption

An illustrated guide to quantum computing, including qubits, algorithms, challenges, government support, and “Q-day”, when a quantum computer cracks encryption

They call it Q-day. That is the day when a robust quantum computer will be able to crack the most common encryption method used to secure our digital data. Q-day will have massive implications for all internet companies, banks and governments — as well as our own personal privacy. We know that this will happen one day. The only question is when. For the moment, quantum computers, which exploit the spooky physics of subatomic particles, remain too unstable to perform sophisticated operations for long. IBM’s Osprey computer, thought to be the most powerful quantum computer yet developed, only has 433 qubits (or quantum bits) when most computer scientists consider it would take 1mn to realise the technology’s potential. That may still be a decade away. But in 1994 the American mathematician Peter Shor wrote an algorithm that could theoretically run on a powerful quantum computer to crack the RSA encryption protocol most commonly used to secure online transactions. The RSA algorithm exploits the fact that while it is very easy to multiply two large prime numbers, no one has yet discovered an efficient way for a classical computer to perform the calculation in reverse. Shor showed how a quantum computer could do so relatively easily.

AWS' Center for Quantum Networking partners with De Beers' Element Six division to grow artificial diamonds, hoping they can revolutionize computer networks

AWS' Center for Quantum Networking partners with De Beers' Element Six division to grow artificial diamonds, hoping they can revolutionize computer networks

Amazon.com Inc. is teaming up with a unit of De Beers Group to grow artificial diamonds, betting that custom-made gems could could help revolutionize computer networks. De Beers’s Element Six division will be working on the project with Amazon Web Services’ Center for Quantum Networking, a unit that’s seeking next-generation ways to transmit data securely over longer distances.


Quantum in the Enterprise

Opportunities, challenges, and best practices for adopting quantum in the enterprise: Only the most frequently answered questions

What is enterprise quantum computing?

Enterprise quantum computing is the use of quantum computers and algorithms to solve business problems that are intractable or inefficient for classical computers. Enterprise quantum computing can offer advantages in speed, accuracy, and energy consumption for various domains such as optimization, simulation, machine learning, and cryptography.

Why use enterprise quantum computing?

Enterprise quantum computing can enable businesses to achieve better performance, innovation, and competitiveness by solving complex problems faster and more efficiently than existing tools. Enterprise quantum computing can also unlock new possibilities and opportunities for business growth and transformation.

How to choose the right enterprise quantum computing platform and provider?

Enterprise quantum computing platforms and providers vary in their features, performance, compatibility, and cost. Some of the factors to consider when choosing an enterprise quantum computing platform and provider are: the number and quality of qubits, the type of quantum hardware and architecture, the availability of quantum software and tools, the level of support and service, and the integration with existing systems.

How to develop and deploy enterprise quantum solutions?

Enterprise quantum solutions can be developed and deployed using the tools and frameworks provided by the chosen platform and provider. Some of the steps involved are: defining the business problem and use case, designing the quantum algorithm and logic, implementing and testing the quantum code, executing the quantum solution on a quantum device or simulator, and analyzing and validating the results.

What are the challenges and risks of enterprise quantum computing?

Enterprise quantum computing faces several challenges and risks such as: the complexity of integrating quantum computing with existing IT stack, the scarcity of quantum talent and expertise, the uncertainty of quantum advantage and value, the vulnerability of quantum devices and data to noise and errors, and the threat of quantum attacks on classical encryption.

How to prepare for enterprise quantum computing?

Enterprise quantum computing requires a strategic approach and a long-term vision from businesses that want to leverage its potential. Some of the actions that businesses can take to prepare for enterprise quantum computing are: building awareness and understanding of quantum concepts and applications, identifying and prioritizing relevant business problems and use cases, developing quantum skills and capabilities internally or externally, partnering with quantum platforms and providers, experimenting with quantum solutions on real or simulated devices, and evaluating the performance.

The global quantum technology market revenue is forecast to reach $65.8 billion by 2040, with quantum computing accounting for $34.9 billion of the total


41% of enterprises that have begun building quantum capabilities expect to achieve a competitive advantage within the next two years, while the top 12% of adopters expect to achieve some competitive advantage within one year or already have


80% of respondents in a global survey agree that quantum computing is broadly scalable and will eventually achieve mainstream adoption, and 76% of them believe that quantum computing will have a transformational impact on their industry


The global market for quantum computing for enterprise is expected to reach $3.9 billion by 2027, growing at a compound annual growth rate of 47.3% from 2019 to 2027

Quantum Computing +

Quantum computing uses the principles of quantum physics to perform calculations that are impossible or extremely difficult for classical computers. Quantum computing can offer faster speed, greater efficiency, and more security for various applications.